Free Aqua-Style Icons
Free Aqua Gloss Icons

Download Free Aqua Icons for Your Web Application

Apple HI Guidelines - Follow It for Easy Assessment
These days, Apple has considered as latest operating system, and the software designer has combined the Mac OS x with Apple OS for a powerful core foundation with a convincing the computer user interface that has called Aqua. Due to advance features of Mac OS X, the user can easily operate the computer apps and programs. If you want to use this sort of operating system, then you need to follow the guidelines which have offered by the operating system designer. So, you need to move for the online media and get all sorts of information about this operating system. This sort of operating system cans the process easier, so that user can easily interface with their computer. It is so friendly and familiar while you are using it in your computer. One of the best benefits of this sort of operating system is offering you tons of benefits and advance features while you are using it on your computer.
The Mac OS version 10.2 gives developers with the new "textured" window look. The window style is designed particularly for use by & is thus best suited to-applications, which give the interface for the digital peripheral, like camera, or interface to manage data shared with the digital peripherals, like Address Book application. The appearance might be right for the applications, which strive to re-create the familiar physical device-Calculator application. Avoid making use of textured window look in the applications and utilities, which are unrelated to the digital peripherals or else to data associated with the devices. Within the application, textured window appearance must get limited to a primary application window. Supporting the windows, like preferences & other dialogs, must not use textured window look. It is also acceptable for having the mix of the standard Aqua windows or textured windows within the application.
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Individual Ready Icons
You can buy individual icons to suit your needs. Each icon is $1 when purchased individually.
Icon Usage Agreement
Icon Craft is our pick. It allows you to design and edit all kinds of graphics required in the software development cycle, including icons, static and animated cursors and interface elements - all these kinds of graphics can now be designed in a single application.
Icon Processor is an icon converter. It makes icons from your images. It's possible to convert 256-color icons into True Color icons and XP icons.
ICL-Icon Extractor will scan your files, archives, folders and all local disks for icons. It can download icons from the Internet and customize Windows icons.
Perfect Icon makes icon from any graphic file (PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, WMF and more) in just seconds. Create stylish icons for Windows XP. Easily replace, colorize and save icons that Windows uses to display standard objects, folders, files.