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Standard Agriculture Icons
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 Standard Agriculture Icons

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Icon sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: ICO, GIF, PNG, BMP

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Tags: heart desktop icons, industrial icon set, zune icons, web graphic icons, create web page icon

In such circle the businessman is compelled to resort to two means: diplomacy

And to payoff. It should use these methods not only in relation to the correcting

Consignments, but also and in relation to delivered out of the law and pursued

To oppositional groups which can seize power one fine day.

It is a dangerous version of double game; only the people, not knowing fear and

Interdictions, can survive in such rotted through environment. The businessmen who have grown in

Conditions of more liberal time, have been compelled to leave, and on their place have come

Adventurers. The West European and American businessmen who have got used to

To environment where legitimacy and a correctness dominates, suffer crash, if they not

Resort to services of local intermediaries. This system, certainly, does not create special stimulus for the technical Improvements. The businessman plans the additional Investments, only if he can buy the equipment on tick at

Foreign firm. To be the debtor of corporation of one of the West countries it is considered

The big advantage as it is supposed that diplomats corresponding

The countries will aspire to supply protection of the creditor and by that will help and

To the debtor. New kinds of production start, only when the state Grants privileges which allow to hope for huge profits.

Would be an error to fault for this corruption to assign to system of the state

Interferences in business and bureaucratism as those. It is bureaucratism,

Degenerated in racket, in the organised extortion of the corrupted politicians.

Nevertheless we should realise that the considered countries would avoid it Defect if have not departed from free enterprise system. Post-war restoration of an economy should begin in these countries with Radical changes in the politician.


Bureaucratism philosophy OPPOSITION which people faced earlier in struggle for freedom, was Simple and clear to each. On one party there were tyrants and those who them Supported, on other - supporters of national board. Political Conflicts represented struggle of various groups for the domination.

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