Lay out the entire city with Standard City Icons as your only bricks! Landscapers and city planners, students and architects use Standard City Icons to plan city blocks and map entire cities in a three-dimensional isometric projection. Standard City Icons are perfectly legible on a PDA while detailed enough for poster-size enlargements.
Your order gets you 61 high-resolution icons depicting various objects of city infrastructure. Each icon is available in 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 and 256x256 pixels in ICO, PNG, GIF, and BMP formats, as well as the extra-high-resolution versions of 1200x1200 pixels in JPEG, TIFF, and PNG formats. If you need your icons larger than that, vector sources in Autodesk 3ds Max format are provided at an additional charge. Images have 256 and True Color variants, as well as normal, disabled, and highlighted states. The entire set of 61 icons is available for only $99.95.
Standard City Icons
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All of the icons above are available in the following image formats:
Standard City Icons - Example
Internet Marketing Tools: Basics of Icons for PC
If you have an online business and you may know the fact already that you have to create your own graphics on your website in order to make it distinguished. A good idea to start with is creating your own 3d icons. You may need some professional icons as internet marketing g tools.
Icons look like a standard image file and represent some function on user interface of a computer. In order to create an icon, you should have a specific software program that can save an image in ICO format. The size of the icons depends on the size of application, it is being created for.
You can get icon shop at the internet where from you will get a lot of cons. You can easily create an icon as internet marketing tool and display it on the visitor's favorite places of your website. First of all you will need to download icon creation software to create icons for PC. If you want to create 3D icons, simply open the Photoshop and create a new document. Make the setting according to the requirement of your icon size. Choose custom shapes tool from tools panel and create a new layer by selecting custom shape style. With the help of instructions and following some steps you can create 3D icon easily.
If you have an image that you want to use as professional icons, you have different ways to do so. Just copy and paste image on your icon canvas or paste it from a file. You can use a pre-designed image too if you do not feel confident in creating a new icon. Make the background transparent while making an icon. Now, your first step will be to click the "Screen" button on your screen. This will show you transparency lines within the window. Click on the flood fill tool in order to add transparency to a pixel. Fill in pixels you like to make transparent. Than save the file as favion.ico and then upload file to your server.
Whenever your visitor adds your website to his favorite place, internet Explorer searches for the favion file of your site and places it next to the link of your site. In addition to this feature, you can display icon of your product too. The icon will be displayed on the desktop of your visitor and it will open eBook once your visitor clicks it.
You can use icon city too if you want to explain about the specific areas of your online marketing. Most of The times, a city icon pack contains 16 icons which includes umbrella icon, hot dog car icon and ticket etc. Creating an icon for your website is not difficult as you may think it to be. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully and you will be able to create icon for your website in a few minutes. If you feel that you cannot create icon at all, you can contact a professional for creating an icon that help you promote your business. The more your website looks attractive, more it will generate traffic.
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Individual Ready Icons
You can buy individual icons to suit your needs. Each icon is $1 when purchased individually.
Icon Usage Agreement
Large Weather Icons represent a number of weather conditions that are common for software, weather Web sites, and mobile gadgets. The icons arprovided in typical resolutions standard to Windows, Mac OS, and mobile devices. The largest versions are huge 512x512 pixel icons with vector sources in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format easily available and ready to be printed or used in presentations in highest resolution.
Vista Toolbar Icons. A collection of practical and eye catching icons representing all basic operations required for surfing the internet or using various applications.
Medical Icons for Vista has been created to avoid any misunderstanding appearing while looking at a medical Web site or using a medical software. The icons are available in numerous sizes and formats.

SibCode Medical Icon Library is an excellent set of images that covers most of the possible medicine-related application's needs. The top choice at a reasonable price!
Large Money Icons is a set of carefully made icons for use in commercial and personal products, including software applications, websites, blogs and presentations. The icons present a bright color palette, smooth and well-rounded edges.