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 Standard Dating Icons

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Icon sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: ICO, GIF, PNG, BMP

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Tags: icons of the underground, defjam icon game, tray icon pro, cool little icons, funny icons com

it: «Salli, how much the person your way will arrive?»

it: «Give we will count. The Chicago branch sends twelve persons. Milwaukee sends a six, Saint Louis — fourteen. But I do not have data across Los Angeles, Phoenix, and — you will not believe — on our own office. That is any quantity of participants, from twenty to fifty two» can come.

it: «Means, how much all will turn out, if will arrive all?»

it: «I do not know. I speak, I do not have data on some branches. Visitors from a management, so there is no saying» Besides, can come.

it: «But you can give me approximate number?»

it: «Well, it with some difficulty. I do not know, whether I can».

it: «At least approximately — hundred, two hundred, three hundred persons?»

it: «I cannot respond yet — about it too early to speak».

By this moment of Neda blow just about will suffice. To it calculations, and that have informed it were required only, the answer is not — at least for it. It does not have till now the elementary data about which he asked, therefore its activity is paralysed also it does not know what to do further. And it is already fairly angry at Salli.

it, in turn, too it is not too happy with Nedom. She tried to give to it exact data and has made all from it depending that Ned has not gone on a false way because of bad knowledge. And more it seems to it that its detailed analysis remained not estimated.

In the various organisations the set of such Salli and Nedov, and similar dialogues which, possibly, backdating happens funny enough came across to us to read (but which appear painful for their participants), expensively it manage and prevent to work effectively. However if more in detail to consider distinctions in touch and intuitive approaches to statement of the purposes, it becomes clear, why Ned and Salli could not agree.

It prefer simple, attainable aims. "Simple" in their understanding means rectilinear and simple, clear to any person of any level of a rationality. They have thought up and put into practice such formula of a life, as «KISS» — «Keep It Simple, Stupid "(" He be the fool and simplify »). When It It is required to set to itself the purpose, for It there is nothing better this formula.« Achievable », in understanding it, means difficult enough — such that they inspired and motivated It (but not so difficult to seem senseless). The purposes which cannot be made out, how much inspiring they seemed, are capable to call at It laughter and are perceived by It as senseless employment. The attainable aim is such purpose which It It is capable to apprehend and to which It directs, receiving on the way to the purpose certain encouragements. So if the purpose will not meet these requirements, the overwhelming number of workers (and It make 70 % of the population of the USA) will reject It from the very beginning.

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